LOS ANGELES (AP) — An attorney for the family of Notorious B.I.G. said Friday it's ridiculous that Los Angeles
police have not arrested anyone for the rapper's 1997 killing, which
has returned to the spotlight after coroner's officials released a
long-sealed autopsy report.
The report revealed that injuries cause by a single bullet killed the rapper, whose real name was Christopher Wallace,
during a drive-by shooting in March 1997. Wallace was hit by four
bullets after leaving a music industry event, but one that hit his
heart, left lung and colon caused his death, the 23-page report states.
Perry Sanders Jr. said he was not given any notice that the report would be released, and he criticized police for not closing one of Los Angeles' highest-profile unsolved murders, especially since he had been told that police had identified those responsible.
The deaths of Wallace and Shakur
have been the subject of rampant speculation about the motives. The
one-time friends became rivals and instigators in an East Coast-West
Coast rap rivalry during the mid-1990s.
A 2011 book by former Los Angeles police detective Greg Kading
claimed both murders had been solved, although no arrests have been made
and federal prosecutors in 2005 declined to file charges after a
lengthy, bi-coastal investigation. Wallace is from the New York City
borough of Brooklyn.Police spokesman Richard French declined to comment, saying Wallace's killing remained an open investigation.
The coroner's report had been
sealed for more than 15 years until police lifted a hold on it last
week, Chief Coroner Investigator Craig Harvey said. The report details
the trajectory of each of the shots that hit the rapper and states there
were no signs of alcohol or drugs in his system when he died.
Sanders, who dropped a federal
civil lawsuit against the city in 2010 in order to give investigators an
opportunity to investigate further, said solving the case was more
important than any lawsuit.
"In no way shape or form is this
about civil litigation," he said. "This is about the criminal justice
system and it functioning properly."
The lawsuit Sanders filed on
behalf of Wallace's family and widow Faith Evans ended in a mistrial in
2005 after attorneys discovered the city withheld a trove of LAPD
The civil case could be refiled, although that has not yet occurred.
In March 2011, the FBI
electronically released files on its investigation, which were heavily
redacted but shed new light on the efforts that investigators took to
try to find those responsible for the rapper's death. Agents conducted
surveillance and interviews in Los Angeles, San Diego and New York, the
files showed.
The FBI referred all questions on the case to Los Angeles police.
Anthony McCartney can be reached at http://twitter.com/mccartneyAP .
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